Quentin Boehler

Main information about the thesis :
Thesis start : 01/10/2013

Thesis defense date: : 29/09/2016
Title : Design of robotic assistants for MR-guided surgery

Associated laboratory: ICUBE, Strasbourg

In collaboration with the LIRMM laboratory, Montpellier.

Co-funded by the labex CAMI and the Alsace/Grand Est region.

PhD main scientific communications :

International scientific papers

  1. Boehler, S. Abdelaziz, M. Vedrines, P. Poignet et P. Renaud. From Modeling to Control of a Variable Stiffness Device based on a Cable-driven Tensegrity Mechanism. Mechanism and Machine Theory, vol. 107, pages 1-12, Janvier 2017.
  2. Boehler, I. Charpentier, M. Vedrines et P. Renaud. Definition and Computation of Tensegrity Mechanism Workspace. ASME J.Mechanisms Robotics, vol. 7, no. 4, page 044502, Avril 2015.

International conference proceedings

  1. Boehler, S. Abdelaziz, M. Vedrines, P. Poignet et P. Renaud. Towards the control of tensegrity mechanisms for variable stiffness applications : a case study. In EUCOMES 2016, Nantes, Septembre 2016.
  2. Boehler, M. Vedrines, S. Abdelaziz, P. Poignet et P. Renaud. Design and evaluation of a novel variable stiffness spherical joint with application to MR-compatible robot design. In ICRA 2016, pages 661–667, Stockholm, Mai 2016.
  3. Boehler, A. Zompas, S. Abdelaziz,M. Vedrines, P. Poignet et P. Renaud. Experiments on a variable stiffness tensegrity mechanism for an MR-compatible needle holder. In CRAS 2015, Bruxelles, Septembre 2015.
  4. Boehler,M. Vedrines, S. Abdelaziz, P. Poignet et P. Renaud. Parallel Singularities for the Design of Softening Springs Using Compliant Mechanisms. In IDETC 2015, Boston, Août 2015.
  5. Boehler, M. Vedrines, S. Abdelaziz, P. Poignet et P. Renaud. Influence of Spring Characteristics on the Behavior of Tensegrity Mechanisms. In ARK 2014, Ljubljana, Juin 2014.

The thesis manuscript is downloadable here

Quentin realised a short video* presentation (in French) on his thesis (see below)

Thesis Poster* the video rights are the property of the University of Strasbourg and can be read under this link : https://pod.unistra.fr/video/19502-la-chirurgie-guidee-par-irm/