Fanny Morin

Main information about the thesis:

Thesis start: October 2014

Thesis defense date: 5th October 2017

Title: Non linear simulations for intraoperative guidance in neurosurgery

Associated laboratory: TIMC-IMAG, Grenoble
In collaboration with ICUBE laboratory, Strasbourg

Co-funded by labex CAMI and Grenoble-Alpes University

The thesis manuscript is downloadable (in french) here

PhD main scientific communications:

  1. F Morin, H Courtecuisse, I Reinertsen, F Le Lann, O Palombi, Y Payan, M Chabanas. Brain-shift compensation using intraoperative ultrasound and constraint-based biomechanical simulation. Medical Image Analysis (40), pp. 133-153, 2017.
  2. Fanny Morin, Matthieu Chabanas, Hadrien Courtecuisse, Yohan Payan. Biomechanical modeling of brain soft tissues for medical applications. Payan, Yohan; Ohayon, Jacques. Biomechanics of Living Organs, Academic Press, pp.127-146, 2017 – cf.
  3. Morin F., Courtecuisse H., Reinertsen I., Le Lann F., Palombi O., Payan Y. & Chabanas M. (2017). Intraoperative brain-shift compensation using MR/US elastic registration by means of a constraint-based biomechanical simulation. Proceedings of EUROMECH Colloquium 595: Biomechanics and computer assisted surgery meets medical reality, 29-31 August 2017.
  4. F Morin, I Reinertsen, H Courtecuisse, O Palombi, B Munkvold, HK Bø, Y Payan, M Chabanas. Vessel-based brain-shift compensation using elastic registration driven by a patient-specific finite element model.  The 7th International Conference on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions, IPCAI’2016.
  5. Fanny Morin, Hadrien Courtecuisse, Matthieu Chabanas, Yohan Payan. Rest shape computation for highly deformable model of brain.. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, London : Informa Healthcare, 2015, 18 Suppl 1, pp.2006-2007.

Thesis Poster: