Margaux ROUX

Main information about the thesis: Thesis start: October 2022 Thesis defense date: N/A Title (in French): Aide à la Décision dans le cadre de la Revascularisation Endovasculaire des membres Inférieurs. Associated laboratory: TIMC laboratory, Grenoble.In collaboration with LTSI.


Main information about the thesis: Thesis start: October 2022 Thesis defense date: N/A Title (in French): Simulation Monte Carlo du contraste de phase et champ sombre en imagerie X pour l’imagerie médicale et la microscopie. Associated laboratory: TIMC laboratory, Grenoble.In collaboration with LATIM.

Jérémy SAND

Main information about the thesis: Thesis start: October 2022 Thesis defense date: N/A Title: Tenségrité souple pour gestes endoluminaux. Associated laboratory: ICUBE, Strasbourg.In collaboration with LIRMM, Montpellier. Co-funded by CAMI labex.