Abdelhadi Essamlali

Main information about the thesis: Thesis start: November 2021 Thesis defense date: N/A Title: Augmented feedback for the catheterism – Application to bilio-pancreatic access Associated laboratory: ISIR laboratory, Paris.In collaboration with BMBI laboratory, Compiègne. Co-funded by CAMI labex and UTC.

Quentin Boyer

Main information about the thesis: Thesis start: March 2021 Thesis defense date: N/A Title (in French): Commande par asservissement visuel ultrasonore de robots continus Associated laboratory: TIMC laboratory, Grenoble.In collaboration with FEMTO compagny.

Gaspard Tonetti

Main information about the thesis: Thesis start: October 2021 Thesis defense date: N/A Title (in French): Caractérisation des compétences de laparoscopie sur simulateur d’entraînement, par analyse des gestes de l’apprenant Associated laboratory: TIMC laboratory, Grenoble.In collaboration with LIRMM laboratory, Montpellier.

Clément Joly

Main information about the thesis: Thesis start: October 2021 Thesis defense date: N/A Title (in French): Simulation numérique de l’angioplastie des artères des membres inférieurs Associated laboratory: LTSI laboratory, Rennes.In collaboration with LaMCoS laboratory, Lyon. Co-funded by CAMI labex and Ansys.

Thuc Long Ha

Main information about the thesis: Thesis start: December 2021 Thesis defense date: N/A Title: CoGNeT – Computer Assisted Needle Therapies Associated laboratory: ICUBE laboratory, Strasbourg.In collaboration with LATIM laboratory, Brest.

Fadi Alyousef Almasalmah

Main information about the thesis: Thesis start: November 2021 Thesis defense date: N/A Title (in French): Sécurité des gestes chirurgicaux télé-opérés à retour d’effort Associated laboratory: ICUBE laboratory, Strasbourg.In collaboration with LIRMM laboratory, Montpellier.

Felix Pechereau

Main information about the thesis: Thesis start: October 2021 Thesis defense date: N/A Title (in French): Développement d’une interface haptique portable pour l’apprentissage et l’entrainement au geste chirurgical robotisé Associated laboratory: LIRMM laboratory, Montpellier.In collaboration with ISIR laboratory, Paris.

Oulimata Gueye

Main information about the thesis: Thesis start: October 2021 Thesis defense date: N/A Title: Intelligent inference of MSK tissues from markerless Motion Capture (MoCap) and Statistical Shape-Intensity Models (S2IM) Associated laboratory: LATIM laboratory, Brest.In collaboration with TIMC laboratory, Grenoble.

Solène Lambert

Main information about the thesis: Thesis start: October 2021 Thesis defense date: N/A Title: Interactive surgical telementoring – Interacting with a remote mentor while performing surgery Associated laboratory: ISIR, Paris.In collaboration with TIMC laboratory, Grenoble. Co-funded by CAMI labex and IUIS.