Amine Sadikine

Main information about the thesis: Thesis start: October 2020 Thesis defense date: N/A Title (in French): Cartographie hépatique multi-structures par apprentissage pour l’aide à la décision en oncologie Associated laboratory: LATIM, Brest.In collaboration with ICUBE laboratory, Strasbourg.

Paul Mondou

Main information about the thesis: Thesis start: October 2020 Thesis defense date: N/A Title (in French): Contrôle intelligent de la cavitation des microbulles pour l’optimisation des thérapies ultrasonores Associated laboratory: ICUBE laboratory, Strasbourg .In collaboration with CEA Neurospin, Saclay. Co-funded by CAMI labex … Read more…

Jean-Loup Haberbusch

Main information about the thesis: Thesis start: October 2020 Thesis defense date: N/A Title (in French): Prototypage et montée en TRL des dispositifs médicaux innovants pilotés par logiciel Associated laboratory: TIMC-IMAG, Grenoble.In collaboration with LATIM, Brest.

Charlélie Saudrais

Main information about the thesis: Thesis start: October 2020 Thesis defense date: N/A Title (in French): Dispositif pour la perception de raideur en bout d’instrument en chirurgie laparoscopique Associated laboratory: ISIR, Paris.In collaboration with ICUBE laboratory, Strasbourg.

Erwan Lecesne

Main information about the thesis: Thesis start: October 2020 Thesis defense date: N/A Title: Planification et Assistance par fusion d’images multimodales pour l’optimisation de gestes de réparation tissulaire en insuffisance Cardiaque Associated laboratory: LTSI, Rennes. In collaboration with TIMC-IMAG, Grenoble. Co-funded … Read more…