Main information about the thesis :
Thesis start : Décembre 2013

Thesis defense date: : 25/01/2017
Title : Automatic detection of sugical deviations and identification of surgical behavior thanks to modelisation and surgical process analysis

Associated laboratory: TIMC, Grenoble

In collaboration with LTSI, Rennes

Funded by the labex CAMI


The thesis manuscript is downloadable (in french) here

PhD main scientific communications :

  • Dergachyova O, Bouget D, Huaulmé A, Morandi X, Jannin P., Automatic data-driven real-time segmentation and recognition of surgical workflow. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. 2016; 11(6):1081-1089.
  • Huaulmé A, Voros S, Riffaud L, Forestier G, Moreau-Gaudry A, Jannin P. Distinguishing surgical behavior by sequential pattern discovery. J Biomed Inform. 2017 March;67:34-41.
  • Dergachyova O., Bouget D., Huaulmé A., Morandi X., Jannin P. Automatic data-driven real-time segmentation and recognition of surgical workflow. International Conference on Information Processing in Computer-Assisted Interventions, Heidelberg, 21-22 June 2016. The paper won the IPCAI “Bench to Bedside” award.
  • Dergachyova O, Bouget D, Huaulme A, Morandi X, Jannin P. Data-Driven Surgical Workflow Detection: Technical Report for M2CAI 2016 Surgical Workflow Challenge. M2CAI 2016 Surgical Workflow Challenge, 2016. Conference MICCAI 2016 – Satellite Event.  Athens, Greece, 2016.

Thesis poster: