9th Summer School on Surgical Robotics (LIRMM, Montpellier) 🗓 🗺

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Université de Montpellier - Campus Saint-Priest, Rue Ada, Hôpitaux-Facultés, Montpellier, Hérault, Occitanie, France métropolitaine, 34296, France Map

Since 2013 the LIRMM organise this summer school with the support of MESR, CNRS and the Labex CAMI and NUMEV.

The school will last 8 days including a weekend break. The format and the program have been adapted according to the previous editions feedbacks from the students.

The teaching modules will be organized in 4 parts:

  • 2 days about the fondamental aspects of the surgical robotic
  • 2 days on applications including point of view from the surgeons but also from the technicians
  • 1 full day on demonstrations including visits and practical exercices
  • 1 full day on the long term impacts of mini/micro exploration systems and the next surgical interventions

The school received the financial support of the labex CAMI