Tutorial on Mechatronics for Medical Robotics at IEEE/ASME AIM [8-11 July 2014]

Partners of Labex CAMI and Labex ACTION organize a tutorial at the 2014 IEEE/ASME AIM Conference in Besançon, France.

The development of robotic assistance for surgery and medicine has become a mature field of research, and today an increasing number of successful products is emerging on the market. Contrary to industrial robotics, medical and surgical robotics require custom hardware and software solutions for each device. Mechatronic design can indeed be hindered by the existence of close interactions with the physician or the surgeon, the safety concerns, the operating room constraints and the interactions with an in vivo environment.

In this tutorial, we aim at giving the audience some key elements to succeed in the development of a medical robotic assistance, and help to build a successful mechatronic approach. To do so, researchers from Labex CAMI and ACTION with recognized expertise in design and control for the medical context will be gathered in this full day tutorial.  Interactions during the tutorial will be encouraged.  Specifically, the end of the day will be devoted to a poster session where the participants will have the opportunity to present ongoing projects, open issues related to a medical/surgical application, so that deeper discussions with the speakers and between the participants can be engaged.