Pablo Cabras

Main information about the thesis :
Thesis start : November 2012

Thesis defense date : 24 February 2016.
Title : 3D pose estimation for the control of flexible instruments in robotic endoscopic surgery

Associated laboratory: ICUBE, Strasbourg

In collaboration with ISIR laboratory, Paris.

Funded by the labex CAMI

The complete thesis manuscript is downloadable here

PhD main publications

  1. Cabras, D. Goyard, F. Nageotte, P. Zanne, C. Doignon. Comparison of Methods for Estimating the Position of Actuated Instruments in Flexible Endoscopic Surgery, dans International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Chicago, United States, September 2014.
  2. Cabras, F. Nageotte, P. Zanne, C. Doignon: An adaptive and fully automatic method for estimating the 3D position of bendable instruments using endoscopic images, International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, Wiley-Blackwell ( IF : 1.613, SNIP : 0.974, SJR : 0.569 ), avril 2017

Thesis Poster: