Main information about the thesis :
Thesis start: December 2015

Thesis defense date: 11th December 2019
TitleFramework For Ultrasonography-based Augmented Reality in Robotic Surgery: Application to Transoral Surgery and Gastrointestinal Surgery

Associated laboratory: LTSI, Rennes

In collaboration with LIRMM laboratory, Montpellier

Co-funded by CAMI labex and the Bretagne region.

The thesis manuscript is downloadable here

Thesis poster:

PhD main scientific communications :

  1. Shen J., Zemiti N., Taoum C., Aiche G., Dillenseger J.-L., Rouanet P., Poignet P. Transrectal ultrasound image-based real-time augmented reality guidance in robot-assisted laparoscopic rectal surgery: a proof-of-concept study. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery. Early Access. 2019. cf. https://hal-lirmm.ccsd.cnrs.fr/lirmm-02381958/file/Shen_IJCARS2020.pdf
  2. Shen J., Courtin A., Viquesne, A., Zemiti N., Caravaca, O., Simon A., Dillenseger J.-L., Poignet P. Augmented perception in transoral robotic surgery for tongue base cancer. 7th Joint Workshop on New Technologies for Computer/Robot Assisted Surgery (CRAS), Montpellier, 2017.
  3. Jun Shen, Nabil Zemiti, Jean-Louis Dillenseger, Philippe Poignet. Fast And Simple Automatic 3D Ultrasound Probe Calibration Based On 3D Printed Phantom And An Untracked Marker. In the 40th IEEE Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC), Jul 2018, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States. cf. https://hal-lirmm.ccsd.cnrs.fr/lirmm-01828628/file/Shen-EMBC-18.pdf
  4. Jun Shen, Nabil Zemiti, Agnès Viquesnel, Oscar Caravaca Mora, Auguste Courtin, Renaud Garrel, Jean-Louis Dillenseger and Philippe Poignet. Intraoperative Ultrasonography-based Augmented Reality For Application In Image Guided Robotic In Proc. of the Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Published in IJCARS, Springer Verlag, 2018, Volume 13 (Issue 1 Supplement). cf. https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/lirmm-01828409

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